'tis the season!
Posted by Juliet Ames on

Well, this is the first holiday season in 13 years where I'm not participating in a craft show. I am equal parts relieved and terrified. I made this decision for a few reasons. 1. I'm not a good salesperson. My face doesn't lie. In fact, it probably looks bitchier than I even feel, and this gets worse every year. I am way nicer online :) 2. Schlepping my wares around town, in inclement weather is no fun. Weather is always a gamble, and I am just not a gambler. A few years ago, I did a show that was so...
New shop!
Posted by Juliet Ames on

Welcome to my new shop! I've spent the last 13 years selling on the platform that rhymes with Betsy, but I thought it was time to grow up and make a big girl shop! I'm still working out all the kinks, I am sure there are plenty of type-os but I am hoping to be fully transitioned to this shop by the Christmas rush. Always here for your ideas for custom jewelry and art at Visit my website for lots more information!